musculosceletal phatologies

a chronic inflammatory disease of synovial joints, involving the joint capsule and its attached ligaments and tendons. The spinal and sacroiliac joints are primarily affected resulting in pain, stiffness, fatigue, loss of movement and function.

distension  of the popliteal bursa, which may be accompanied by herniation of the synovial membrance of the knee joint capsule forming a fluid-filled sac as the back of the knee. Associated with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

tendinopathy of common origin of the forearm flexors causing pain and tenderness at the medial aspect of the elbow and down the forearm.

a reduction in bone density which results from the body being unable to form enough new bone or when too much calcium and phosphate is reabsorbed back into the body from existing bones. This leads to thin, weak, brittle bones that are  susceptible to fracture.

an inflammation of the bone and bone marrow due to infection. The most common causes are infection of an open fracture or postoperatively after bone or joint surgery.

softening of the bone caused by a deficiecy in vitamin D from poor nutrition, lact of sunshine or problems absorbing or metabolizing vitamin D, A lact of vitamin D leads to incomplate calcification of the bones so that they become weak and easily fractured.

a non articular rheumatological disorder associated with widespread myofascial and joint pain and pain and tenderness in at least 11 of 18 trigger points.

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